Increase enrolment rates and reduce screen fails. Conduct site feasibility studies and optimise your clinical trials by deploying AI biomarkers on imaging data and electronic health records (EHRs). Install in minutes, no code required.
86% of trials do not meet their recruitment timelines
50% of trial sites enroll just one or no patients.
Better targeting can reduce time to market by 1.7 years
Up to $8m in lost revenue per day of delay
Enable trial sites to quickly and easily pre-screen patients for meeting trial inclusion/exclusion criteria. Bitfount sends algorithms and AI models to the imaging and EMR data within routine-care systems. Increase site yield, accelerate recruitment, and reduce screening failure rates.
Make faster, more informed site selection decisions based on objective data about the patient populations accessible via each site. No more relying on over-optimistic estimates of patient availability.
Optimise the design of your trial to maximise its chances of success and minimise the need for time-consuming protocol amendments. Safely simulate and iterate different sets of inclusion/exclusion criteria to ensure both clinical needs and recruitment targets can be met.
Before proceeding with a trial, federated data science can be used to inform feasibility studies by collecting data on patient demographics, disease prevalence, current treatments and more by partnering with trial sites to share insights from their data, without requiring them to share any of it.
Frequently asked questions
No, Bitfount itself never receives data or statistics. Any analysis results are transferred between data custodians and data scientists using end-to-end encryption. Bitfount has further options to strengthen the security of data using privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).
No, using the Bitfount desktop app requires no coding expertise and is designed with a user-friendly interface for easy deployment, making it ideal for clinics. It is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Yes, Bitfount provides a real-time, granular audit trail of how partners analyse your data. Role-based access controls let you enforce governance and usage policies.
Make faster, more informed site selection decisions based on objective data about the site.
Make faster, more informed site selection decisions based on objective data about the site.
Make faster, more informed site selection decisions based on objective data about the site.
No, Bitfount itself never receives data or statistics. Any analysis results are transferred between data custodians and data scientists using end-to-end encryption. Bitfount has further options to strengthen the security of data using privacy-enhancing technologies (PETs).
No, Using the Bitfount app requires no coding expertise and is designed with a user-friendly interface for easy deployment, making it ideal for clinics. Moreover, it is compatible with both Windows and Mac operating systems.
Yes, Bitfount provides a real-time, granular audit trail of how partners analyse your data. Role-based access controls let you enforce governance and usage policies.
Create your first federated project now or get in touch to book a demo